Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm not ready...

Today I was talking to my husband on the phone while he was working. He was talking about how great Hunter slept last night (after 18 months he decided he'd sleep all night for us.) We put him in his own room two nights ago the first night didn't go good he woke up about 3 times freaking out, last night was great.. My husband suggested we switch Hunter to a toddler bed.. WHAT WHY NO!!!! I don't want to put my baby in a toddler bed yet. That just means he's growing up on us and I am NOT READY!!! I realize I have to let him grow up but he's still my baby. I really don't know why I flipped out so much with my daughter she was in a toddler bed at around this age but she was also more mature (is that even possible with babies??) I told him we can't buy a toddler bed right now (hoping he forgot his crib turns into a toddler bed) but nope he remembered... I think one reason I am so scared to put him in a toddler bed is because his bedroom is downstairs and in a crib he can't get out but in a toddler bed he can get out and what if he climbs over a baby gate and roams the house that just scares me! When we switched my daughter our room was right next to hers and it didn't worry me because I could see her from where we had our bed.. Maybe I'm just being over protective but oh well he's still my baby! :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Update on the specialist visit

Hunter had to go to the Allergist specialist and they wanted to do x-rays on him to figure out what exactly is wrong with him. BOY did he hate the x-rays. They put him a device that looked like a torture chamber!! He kicked and screamed. We are waiting for a follow up appointment for the allergist.

He also went to the ENT yesterday. They said he does need tubes he's had to many ear infections in a 6 month period. Last month he had 5 back to back!!!! He goes May 17th for tubes and they're check his adenoids they think they're to big. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hunter has to go see two different specialist. Ever since he was a baby he has had problems chocking and gagging while he's sleeping. It's really scary. Tomorrow (Friday) he has to go see an allergist and I'm not sure what that'll be all about. I didn't know that "allergies" would make him do that at night, but who knows. It's pretty sad I had to switch doctors THREE times before I found a doctor willing to do all these testings to see whats wrong with my son!!! First we had an upper GI that came back normal so that's not the issue. He had to go through a sleep study test when he wasn't even a month old and that came back as "reflux" but if it's reflux why does it only happen at night time. Doesn't happen when he's awake or playing so it's just weird. He doesn't really do it during naps either....I'm just SO ready to get all this stuff taken cared of and for him to sleep all night.. Monday he will be going to an ENT because he's had so many ear infections and will need tubes more than likely.