Spoiled Hunter

I ended up getting pregnant with Hunter when Kayleigh was 2 in a half. He was just as an surprise as Kayleigh was. This pregnancy was a lot easier than the first that's for sure. But I still had some complications in and out of the hospital. He was a stubborn one even in my belly. The day I went into labor I didn't even realize I was in labor. I spent ALL day at home in labor with a 2 in a half year old. Yeah wasn't what I was expecting. My 2 in a half year old was a big help though. Finally when my husband came home I decided I better go get checked out since the pains was still there so after dinner we went to the hospital. They said it seemed as though I'm in labor and was surprised I didn't come earlier. I was dilated and they said if I got to a 6 I wasn't leaving! Sure enough they checked me an hour later and I was at a 6. I got an epidural at 7 cm but after that my labor completely stopped my doctor had to break my water since I wasn't progressing. Finally after they started pitocin I was ready to push. This time it seemed to take longer than the first. Every time I stopped pushing his head went back inside. Imagine how discouraging that is! I pushed for almost an hour!! There he was the most handsome little boy I ever seen.
Looks just like his daddy
Hunter was born October 16th 2009
weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz 19 inches long
Hunter was 5 weeks premature!
Hunter has been through a lot his short life. He has eczema and acid reflux. He has been struggling with the reflux since he was born. When we got him out of NICU he  use to chock in his sleep. The most scariest thing EVER. The doctors don't think it's his acid reflux doing this they think it's something else. We've recently switched doctors hoping to get some answers. This new doctor has sent us to a couple specialist. He also has problems with his ears. He will be getting tubes next week. Which is when they're check his adenoids they think they're to big.